My Journalism Professor Made Me Do It.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

FENECH-SOLER - 2.8 @ Rough Trade Records

Five pounds for a vinyl single and a wrist band to a free show? Yes, thanks. I went into this show only hearing their latest single "Demons." Thought it was decent, a more simple Passion Pit. Honestly, I was a littel apprehensive because I figured a show at a record store would be an un-plugged, acoustic set -- not exactly the best situation for a techno-snych rock band.

I felt like I was walking into Harpers Ferry when I walked into their show tonight, though. Nothing was stripped about this show. It should have been played at House of Blues, the sound was that profound.

Three songs into their set i realized: holy shit no ones playing an instrument. OK, that's a lie, there was a guy on drums. But their set was composed of synths. How could this be possible without anyone realizing? Of course, as soon as I realized this the two synth-ers jumped on bass and guitar for another poppy dance electronica rock feel-good rock song.

Six songs in: at this point, you could somehow say the band all contributed to percussion in some way. The singer every once in a while turns around to band on a few drums he presumably stole from his drummer's set, and the synth's were so tight they were pretty much percussion for a good portioin of each song. After they killed "Demons," "Lies" made you cry, and that was it. Fenech-Soler are more human than Passion Pit, and that's worth the world.

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